Adaptation > Everybody Dies.

Dr. Katelyn Lehman
3 min readJul 16, 2020

Lately I’ve been reading more exciting and complicated books to our son. He has started to communicate his feelings and thoughts. His language development is nascent and sacred.

He’s one.

One of our favorite books these days is, Everybody Poops. A classic, no doubt. But I’m not here to talk about shit.

I am here to remind you of other truths. For example:

Everybody Dies.

Death is not a fun topic for most people. Especially these days. Seems like death and dying is everywhere you look.

While this is horrendous, despicable, and asinine, it is not an excuse to look away. #blacklivesmatter

But alas, the Big Wheel keeps on Turning. It will keep turning long after we all die, too.

Stay here. Stay engaged. Practice listening generatively.

Do you remember the hysteria of the Y2K Bug? When the whole world thought computers were going to short circuit on the eve of January 1st, 2000? Because people didn’t look far enough into the future when they wrote their code? Like, bro. Really?

I remember 2000 for a couple reasons:

  1. I graduated eighth grade. Clearly a tumultuous and developmentally pivotal time in any person’s life.
  2. I learned the geometry of the Heart.

Adolescence marks a transition, allegedly, between childhood and adulthood. Not since you were an infant have you had such a rapid onset of hormonal shifts. It’s like you found your Self, suddenly transported into a new body. Unable to communicate the intensity of your experience, all while desperate to connect the dots.

Back to my point… I think.

If you’re lucky, you make it out of adolescence alive. Violent death and suicide in the teen years are serious problems that vary by population worldwide. So are a myriad of other public health and geopolitical issues that effect human development.

But the Truth remains: Everybody dies.

Don’t worry. You get to choose the vibration you are ready for in this moment. It’s all good my man… Have fun.

Ready for more?

Moral reasoning IS taught through geometry. The Greeks, the Ottomans, the Arabs, the Persians, the Great Dynasties of the East, the Vedics, everybody knew this back then.

Unified Field Theory IS a Heuristic. Meaning it might not be optimal yet, but it is sufficient for meeting an immediate short term goal.

Walking in circles IS a valuable thing to do. We may be doomed to repeat the past, but what if repeating patterns is the whole point?

Math IS Art.

In times of chaos, artists lead the path.

#respectprocess #leadership3.0 #respectthecraft

“You have been existing inside of a binary social universe with outdated and harmful mental models.“ — Dr. Katelyn Dowling

#wakeupbro #investnow #divest

Humans are obsessed with measuring things. Comparing things. Naming things. Describing things. It’s cool. We don’t have to stop doing that stuff.

There are many different traditions of inquiry, but the quest remains simple:

Figure out what you are hear to heal.

Because everybody dies.

Here I go getting all esoteric again…

“Life is an interval between Birth and Death.”

— Frank Chester

Don’t get me wrong… Opposites are important. They teach us a lot about life.

Up is the opposite of Down.

Me is the opposite of You.

Purple is the opposite of Yellow.

East is the opposite of West.

“But what if we missed whole sets of conditional probabilities in our logical deductions from A to B? “

— Dr. Katelyn Dowling

What if…

Inside really is out?

You actually are me?

We are the neural network of something Universal?

Are you confused yet? Good.

Wake up.

Let’s Go.

You may have jumped a step, but you skipped a step, too.

“In the Synthesis of Opposites, Truth is Known.” — Dr. Katelyn Dowling

“Lagrimas de rabia salen de mi corazón como si fuese el vientre de la madre tierra expulsando vida nueva por primera vez. Gritos de la desesperación y esperanza escapan de la profundidad del alma colectivo, pidiendo que nos vea como seres Universales.” — Dr. Katelyn Dowling




Dr. Katelyn Lehman

There is no box to think outside of in a holographic universe.