Am I the Author?


I like to attend the California Statewide Epidemiology Workgroup (SEW) meetings. Might sound boring to some people, but prevention is big business these days.

Five-hundred million dollars is a lot of money.

It’s important to respect group norms and behavioral expectations in most situations. At least try to understand the social dynamics before you rock the boat, ya know?

But if you do decide to rock it. Don’t stray too far from shore.

Nobody wants to live on a Planet full of plastic anymore.

We’re re-writing the future together, don’t you get it?

It’s called a narrative analysis, but don’t worry if you don’t know what that means.

It’s pretty much exactly as it sounds.

Rigorous methodological analyses don’t always involve mathematics, but I’d still wager that the probability of restitution is exponential.



Dr. Katelyn Lehman

There is no box to think outside of in a holographic universe.